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Computer peripherals and their destination

The main elements of a computer are the system unit , monitor and keyboard. Even a mouse, which seems to be an integral part of a computer, is not a necessary device, without which it would be impossible to work on a computer. You can work without a mouse, only in modern graphic operating systems this is completely inconvenient, but you can connect additional devices to the computer that will allow you to perform the necessary tasks. These devices are called peripherals .

They serve to perform specific functions. And using them in work greatly facilitates the implementation of the task.

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Below are a few examples of peripheral devices.


It is used for printing documents, photographs and so on, that is, it allows you to apply a digital version of a document to a solid medium (paper, cardboard, CD, etc.).

There are several types of printers such as dot matrix , inkjet , laser , and photo printers. They differ in the way they print, the most widespread are laser printers, relatively inexpensive, easy to maintain.

You can also buy a multifunctional device "MFP" - a printer, scanner and copier. Today they are compact in size and are ideal for home and small offices.


Allows you to copy images, documents, slides and save them on your computer as a digital (machine-readable) copy. In a way, this is the reverse process of printing, where you output a digital document not paper, but here, on the contrary, from paper to a computer.

Many scanners are part of the MFP, although you can also purchase a separate flatbed or drum scanner.

Speakers / Headphones

Output devices that interact with media information on the user's computer. These devices convert the sound card signal into sound and music .

Depending on the model, they can be connected to the audio port or USB port. Some monitors have built-in speakers that are designed to reproduce soft sounds and music.


This is the type of input device, or device that receives information from the user. You can connect a microphone to your computer and use the computer to record sound, or chat with other users over the Internet.

For convenience, all laptops and netbooks are equipped with built-in microphones.


Input devices that can record videos or take photos . They can also broadcast video over the Internet in real time , allowing you to create video chat or video conferences with people in another part of the world.

Joystick or Game Controller

A device used to control computer games. There are various types of controllers that you can use. And although you can control virtual characters using the keyboard and mouse, it is more convenient to do this with a joystick in some games.

The following examples do not directly relate to peripheral devices, but they can be connected to a computer and interact with a PC.

Digital cameras

Allows you to capture images and videos in digital format. They use flash cards to store pictures and videos. By connecting the camera to a USB port on your computer, you can transfer your saved content to your computer. Then they can be edited , printed , sent to friends or posted (published) on the Internet.

Mobile phones, Smartphones, MP3 players, Tablets and other devices

When you buy these electronic devices, a USB cable is included with the device for charging and transferring data to a computer . Although these devices can be connected to a PC via Bluetooth (Bluetooth) or Wi-Fi, if these modules are present in the computer.

Many of these devices have a synchronization mode , when you connect the device to a computer, contacts, music, photos, and account data are automatically saved.

These are just a few of the devices that can be connected to a computer. In fact, there are many more of them, look around your computer and you will probably see a modem (router) through which you access the Internet. It also refers to peripheral devices. They all serve specific purposes and connect or can be connected to a computer.


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