Cloud computing is the delivery of computing services on demand - from applications to storage and processing power - over the internet in a payment as a service model.
For some time, the cloud has been a fundamental technology and widely used in the digital transformation of organizations of all sizes and in all segments. Its benefits have changed the paradigm of IT investments and brought capabilities that until then were only achieved by large corporations.
So much so that, according to the consultancy IDC Brasil, by the end of 2018, the hiring of infrastructure, platform and software as a public cloud service should generate US $ 1.7 billion. Amount to be doubled by 2020.
How Cloud Computing Works
Understanding how cloud computing works is very simple. Just look at the following: instead of owning their own computing infrastructure or data center, companies can now rent access to anything from applications to storage from a cloud service provider.
One benefit of using cloud computing services is that companies can avoid the upfront cost and complexity of owning and maintaining their own IT infrastructure and, instead, simply pay for what they really need, the tailored capacity.
In turn, cloud service providers can benefit from significant economies of scale by providing the same services to a wide range of customers. In this way, they deliver high-tech resources at a lower cost, as their budget is intended for infrastructure activity and is prorated among the customers in their portfolio.
IT support technicians play a vital role in enterprise computing and networking environments. This educated professional identifies and resolves technical issues in an enterprise setting.
In short, we are talking about the acquisition and use of technological resources (software, hardware, etc.) in a virtualized way, without the need to maintain its own infrastructure. Cloud computing can be summed up like this: technology as a service.
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