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What should be included in a statement of work?

As we already know, there is no established determination regarding the creation of the employment declaration document, but some fields are extremely important for proving your employment relationship.

Here is a good tip: if you need to make use of your declaration of work in another country, it is important that you do this document through the Hague Apostille , so that it has validity outside Brazil as well.

infographic on what should be included in a work statement

Weekly or monthly workload

Proof of a routine, even if exercised weekly or monthly, will prove your service provision as self-employed, or registered, for a specific CNPJ or individual.

Position held by the worker

It is important to inform your position, your activities, so that the declaration is verified as a regular job in organizations.

Work and Social Security Card (CTPS)

That getting a work permit is important for the market itself, that you already have. The Work and Social Security Card (CTPS) is also a document that must be included in your statement, even if you are not registered - or even for that reason. Only then will you be able to prove that you are active in the market, however, you work as a self-employed person. If you do not have it, you will need to schedule your work card via internet or phone.

CPF - Individual Taxpayer Registration

The Register Person Physics (CPF) is the official document issued by the IRS used to identify taxpayers. For the declaration of work, you will need to inform yours.

Date of birth

Your date of birth must also appear on your employment statement to prove your age and ability to work.

Start date

Another information that must be present in your document is the date on which the activity started for a specific company or individual.

End date (when the employment relationship has ended)

If you need to prove an employment relationship that has already ended, it is important to inform when this happened as well.


Also inform where the job took place, the full address, such as city, state, country, etc.

Full name

Informing your full name is essential to prove that the document is unique to you.

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General Registry - RG

Considered the most important document in the country, the General Registry (RG) is also an important data of your declaration, as it identifies you as a registered citizen in the country.


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